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(3 edits) (+6)

These are a bunch of suggestions that people have been requesting. I've compiled them with some of MY suggestions.

- Factions: 3 or more nations in a joint alliance. (Maximum could be 5-6 nations.)

- Permanent Alliances: This could also be a new god power (force permanently.) As always, this alliance would still be breakable with god powers. With this it would be easier to not have to force re-ally with a country that broke an alliance.

If factions were added, same thing would apply to them.

- Landscapes: For example, mountains. It would be harder to go through with regular armies. Plains would be easier to go through for regular armies. A couple other landscapes could be forest and jungle. (I'm sure JokuPelle can come up with more landscapes.) With these new geographical features, trained armies could be added (also suggested below this suggestion.)

The next suggestion would only exist if landscapes are added. 

- Trained Armies: Armies that are specifically trained for a said location. If a troop was a trained troop in snowy climates, they would be able to make more of a force against the opponent in said climate area. If a troop was less trained in a different climate/landscape, they would push less of a force than an split-trained troop.

- Population Counter: Simple, just shows a chart of the most populated countries. This could also have a function where if there is a higher population in said country, there would be more troops reinforced on borders, cities and cores, since people would probably sign up more because of the higher population. This can also be based off of the revolution chance. The higher the revolution chance, the lower percentage of (extra) population in the military.

Border Editor: Can be used to make a preset at the beginning of the game.

- Reinforment Adder: Self-explanatory, gives reinforcements to a said country. This feature would make it much easier to make a particular country get stronger. Can be used at the beginning of the game WITH the border editor or during the game.

This next suggestion would work only if landscapes are added.

- Commanders: This is a bit complex. There can be up to 2 commanders. Each commander has a skill in said landscape(s). For example, Bob could be a commander that specializes in commanding battles in Forest and Jungle landscapes. There could also be debuffs coming with a commander. Bob could be unspecialized in plains or desert. While this is optional to countries, if there are 2 commanders leading the army of a nation, then they would either split if there were 2+ fronts or have a said chance to go on 1 front if there is only 1 front to fight on. However, if there is only 1 front only one commander can fight on that front.

- City Maker: Makes a city for a nation and appropriately adds troops around the city to guard it.

- Unions: Unions can be made of 2-3 different nations uniting together under one central government. One capital city is decided upon and the rest of the capital cities are turned into special cores that if successfully rebel (less likely to rebel after a unision) can reform the borders before the unision. 

With this feature, permanent uniter tool can be added as a god power, like the permanent alliance feature.

That was long. Anyway, I hope at least 2 or 3 of these features make it into the game in the near future.