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Stacy is also somewhere missing from that list, but I'm guessing you haven't unlocked the laboratory yet or something along the lines. Generally speaking, it's pretty easy to trigger stuff so you're missing a quest somewhere which might be blocking certain progress. Alternatively, you can just visit a bunch of locations, talk to characters and see if that works.

If you're really lost I can check out what's up for which you have to join Discord and drop a save file where either I or others will help and see what's on going on.

They can be found here:
PC: C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Lewd Town Adventures
Android: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}.program/files/saves Alternatively, you can use the file manager to find the correct save map where the Renpy save files belong.


I was just being stupid I had assumed the principle and mia were connected for whatever reason sorry for causing any trouble