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This game is so dope!! i enjoy the struggle to escape mannequin from gasoline station to car. I thougt i finally escape when i reach the car and accelerate it. But idk how & why the mannequin still chasing me on.

I try to close the gate before get in to the car, but the result was same.  Did i miss something or bug?? I really stress out!! HAHAHAHA

Please tell me how to escape so i can sleep in peace :)

This is my gameplay, sorry i can't get good ending :(

Hey mama fraha and thank you for the reply :) Basically at the end, your game wasn't not running correctly so the car was not able to accelerate enough, and the mannequin catched you every time, make sur to go to options > Auto ajust quality to have the best framerate and experience for you :) 

Beside that, it's a pleasure to hear that you liked it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your suggestion, 

1. i tried to "Auto adjust quality", the game automatically changed from Ultra to High quality. mannequins catched me in the end just like in video. may be because my PC specs too low huhuhu will upgrade my PC soon.

2. i tried adjust quality to Low and oh yes its running very smooth! I can accelerate the car faster and escaped! Finally i can sleep in peace hehehehe

Looking forward to your next project :D