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(3 edits) (+1)

This game is amazing. I was a bit anxious to play it because I LOVED your previous game and was really hoping it would be as good... Turned out it was incredibly better. I litteraly stayed up until 4 am TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW playing your game. I was wasted. But I enjoyed my time so much!

But now I'm sad because I finished the current version on the game, it's ending with an amazing cliffhanger and now everyday I'm craving for more but I can't do nothing but wait.

(Minor spoiler) If I may point out something that bothered me tho, during the magical flashback with Penelope, I'm not sure if her age is coherent. We're supposed to be arround 8 and so she should be around 11. But she's looking way older by her look and attitude. (and the fact that she could be going at a party alone or be trusted to babysit two kids also feels a bit... off).

But I'm clearly just nitpicking here. Your game is absolutly fantastic, beautiful, with a catching story, lovable characters and a really good balance with humour and serious topics. Oh and the music is so good! 

Thanks a lot for your work, I can't wait to see what's happening next !

(I don't have the financial situation to pay for your game as it deserves yet but it will definitly be one of the first things I'll do when I'll be able to !)

I appreciate it a lot! Thank you very much!!