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Day 8 & 9

I was completely out of juice yesterday, I couldn't work on the jam at all, I even slept most of the day. Take some rest when you can, folks, no need to crash yourself down.

Anyway, I went and did extra work today to make up for yesterday. I rewired some of the GUI theming for more flexibility. Now I can implement teams and those will reflect in the GUI to let me know I didn't screw up. The background is updated on both the turn order GUI and the character panels. One step closer to a game.

The other big change is me finally starting to add an AI. I don't really know how I'll formalize the behaviors, but so far, I made Benjy walk on the safest tile where he can attack (but can't attack for now). In the following picture, I added a bias to the danger score where the distance from the enemies is substracted to the attack's power. Basically it means that if Benjy must take an attack, he'll try at least to move the furthest he can from the attacker.

I believe it's one of the first times I try to work on AI. I'll try to look around for documentation on the topic but I'm mostly shooting in the dark for this. Wish me luck!