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Hey thanks for the comment! There are GPUs in the game and yes the plan is to allow working and co-operating with companies in much greater detail than typical games, including being a partner like that.

Right now GPU chips are used without a board but I'll probably have GPUs require one when I'm ready to flesh that part out. Of course the best part is that all these tech products are in the included mod, not the game itself, it's entirely feasible to create a mod that turns this game into an ice cream simulator.

One of the more annoying mechanics I've found in other games is the lack of interactions with other companies. When I want to self publish a product in most games I need to hire an entire marketing team with no option of contracting it out to a marketing company. Another scenario I'm aiming for is being able to create your own open source competitor to OpenGL, striking deals with the top graphics companies to either contribute funds and/or assign their own programmers to work on it. Being able to work with companies, doing deals for all kinds of services and sharing IP rights etc.. should be a big part of this.

How has this been going?