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Dude i didn't see any of those ur good

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions 

if u dont like something, you don't like something.. nothing wrong with thaf

ok but you stated your opinion on the reboot and the reboot alone, what about the reboot in comparison to the original

why compare the two

They're different shows with a different target, they really only have the same characters

They're both good on their own 


They’re supposed to be a show and it’s reboot. When you reboot a show you can change whatever you want about it except for one thing. The core of the original. What made the original show what it is, what is at its core. In MH’s case, the core was “we are monsters, we are proud” no matter what you are or where you come from, no matter about what you look like or who you are, you are you and you should be proud. To send that message they made their characters a certain way, they made them stand out. A vegan lolita vampire? Who’s ever heard of that? Frankenstein’s monster made a monster? You’re crazy. A werewolf designer? That doesn’t make sense, werewolves are wild dogs. A vampire and a werewolf dating? Dude no way. They had everything, contradictions, questions and so much more. There was no designated mean girl just a bunch of high schoolers and I swear to god if you call Toralei the mean girl I will not hesitate to rant on to the next century about how she is not the stereotypical mean girl and the same goes for Cleo. There was no stereotyping with the characters is what I’m saying. In the reboot they kept the core but they didn’t make it land the way the og did because THEY STEREOTYPED THE CHARACTERS. They made a designated mean girl and removed characters that everyone loved just because. I can’t even think of a logical reason to make mh a basic teen drama! MONSTER HIGH FOR GODSSAKE!

Now I’m ranting! Sorry 😞 

Im not going to read that


mh aint gunna be a teen drama because its for children now

And just enjoy the two separately 

It'll make life easier 

(1 edit)

I never said-

Btw making for children was a horrible choice with g2 because they lost the audience they had cause they’re not children and they didn’t get the attention of any children cause let’s be honest g2 was… not the best. So they had no audience and that’s why g2 failed.

They didn’t repeat the same mistake making it for baby children, if they did then they’re fucking stupid. Just do what the og show did and target it to a large age group than a small one, fucking idiots.

To shorten my rant in the last post, OG characters were interesting, new characters are stereotypes. Tell me which one you’d rather watch.

Friend, you do know like there were several og mh dolls, who i have been told are actual racial stereotypes (not any of the main ones)

im not really going to like try to explain these because i am very much white and it's probs better for you to just google them 

You may be looking at it with rose tinted glasses or whatever, cuz its something you remember fondly 

And the whole age thing, i was a fan and actively buying the dolls from ages 5 to around 12 

So when i was a kid 


Silly goose

anyway can we be done talking about this now 

This isn't a very productive discussion 

(1 edit)

yes but just one more point, just listen to me then we can agree to disagree okay

the background characters in the og were problematic yeah yeah I get it but listen, I was hoping those would be fixed in the reboot, and they... sort of were but while fixing issues they made new issues that weren't issues before because when I said stereotypes I meant character stereotypes like:

the mean girl trademark

the new girl who destroys the mean girl trademark

the love interest trademark

you get what I mean here. It's a basic teen drama. Not to mention since you brought racial stereotypes into the mix, Cle De FUCKING Nile.

She's got darker skin now, should be a good thing right since she's Egyptian and all get it, NO. Slaves had darker skin in ancient Egypt because they slaved away in THE SUN. Royalty, stayed in their palaces in the shade doing absolutely nothing and making everyone else do stuff for them. Cleo is royalty, and no she's not Cleopatra she's named after her, anyway Cleo is royalty therefore she should have a lighter skin tone therefore it is inaccurate.

Then her outfit is so whitewashed don't even talk to me. A pyramid backpack? Really? Pyramid earrings? REALLY? Is Egypt just the pyramids is that all it is? Because that's really how everyone is making it out to be. The headband is a fucking nightmare. The outfit is the whitest shit I've seen. You gotta be shitting me. And she's THE MEAN GIRL. 

No, she's not stereotyped AT ALL.

does tm mean trans man or am i stupid 

trademark it's trademark but I don't have the symbol for it so I improvised-

I fixed it, I'm sorry pls don't kill me