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listen 2 year age difference doesn’t seem like anything when you hear it as 2 year ago difference. But when you hear an 18 year okd dating a 16 year old then you start to realize… nevermind I don’t like it anymore


or a 13 year old and an 11 year old

Its a massive red flag


Disney please don't make huntlow cannon

Maybe give hunter a bf

OR do what i do and just say everyone is aroace until proven otherwise 

Ok Brig, just let them breathe please.

Besides he can’t be aro/ace since he clearly likes Willow. 

Willow hasn’t shown any signs of liking him back though. Unless she has and I’m an idiot.

The ship is quite popular though an dit does seem to be what’s going to become canon so if it does become canon I’ve come up with one solution and another one where it isn’t canon.

Maybe it won’t happen in the show. What if they made it future canon, like Phineas and ferb with Phineas and Isabela except instead of college they’re both some age over 20 because then they’d be consenting adults and it’d be less weird cause they’re adults, like full grown adults not baby children who are in different age groups. Or just never make the ship canon and Hunter just has an unrequited love and then make him fall in love with someone else, anyone who isn’t part of the main group anyone else.

Queenie im aroace who is in love with someone

ya doof

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

way to define my own sexuality queenie

Its a spectrum my friend, some are completely aromantic ace, some aren't. I happen to be completely asexual but do RARELY experience romantic feelings, and like I've stated before its difficult and uncomfortable to express those feelings 

Nobody should just assume aroace means no romantic and sexual attraction because like

It's not cool to do that 😡 (couldn't think of a reason other than because i say so, sorry lol) 

Deleted 1 year ago

uh huh