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Thanks for getting back to me. I've downloaded to PC & I've checked my library, it just says to download.  I don't usually play games on the PC maybe I'm clicking on the wrong thing.??   I thought I had to play through the itch app but that won't open either 😬 (It's probably something basic, appreciate any tips on how to get it) Thank you 

You'll need a ZIP file opening program. I recommend WINZIP or 7z, both are free.  After you download it, go to your Downloads folder and double click the Eternum file. A window should open up containing a folder. Drag that folder onto your desktop. After it completes transferring to your desktop double click the folder that is now on your desktop. You should see the Eternum application file. Double click that and it will start.


Thank you  so much , really appreciate your help 😊

You're very welcome.