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I love this game but you should add more things i recommend adding the following

1.  Naming the civilizations without clicking "Ready" yet.

2. An option to remove or replace civilizations.

3. Army strength list to see how powerful the country is.

4. Some Difficult or Flat terrain.

5. Making Custom cities within the cities.

6. New maps that are not like the middle east one like no rivers like a USA Map.

7. Atomic Technology for civilizations.

8. Saving Rounds in case we accidentally close our browser while the game is still on (for browser).

9. Puppeted Countries .

10. Full annexations instead of civilizations just taking over the capital.

11. More than 2 countries can ally eachother.

12. Air Forces.

If you're busy you can do this any time or it's okay if you don't do it but the game really needs more things.

I don't think the air force or nukes make sense for this game but everything else is nice.

i would like the idea for nukes. Maybe not nukes in particullar but some bombs you know. Like the current bug right now it freezes when killing armies they have surrounded and they they dissapear as if there was a bomb. That could be  realy feature instead of a bug and it would look cool as well.

1. Neat

2. Pretty good its more fun if you get more control over the countries

3. Strength is mostly based on land Maybe. make 2 stats seperate Mostly strength doesnt rely on land

4. Difficult terrain would add a nice touch to the game

5. Same as 2.

6. No rivers? i think you are being a bit opinion based. Some people like rivers they make it feel realistic And adds a good art to the game

7. Nukes should be a option to turn on or off and when a country is losing they can use a nuke although the opponents country will be a wasteland and can only get obtained for how many years you like

8. Pretty classic

9. puppets are good if a country dont want revolts

10.  YES! this should be a option and make treatys

11. Pacts will be intresting

12. Ehhhh.

You can already rename them before clicking Ready.

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