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First of all, I just wanted to say that I personally am loving what you're doing with the game so far. I did want to ask, however, about how much the lore of the games matters to this or whether it's meant to be mostly its own thing (which is understandable)? It would be great to see more sfw content and/or art in-game in addition to other stuff. Seeing more of your personal take on the lore and world beyond would be nice, whether that's through additional dialogue or interaction between characters in the world, whether that be spirit-spirit or human-spirit. 

This is mostly curiosity as, to me, there is definitely a lot of effort and care put into this as a loveletter (pun intended) to the franchise. At very least, that's the impression I get from this. 

Hope you continue on with this amazing work for as long as you are happy to do so.

There will be more sfw content like more events and character to character interactions. The lore in this game will be mostly about the forest of Sabil, but it may touch on Nibel and Niwen.

Thanks. Good luck with your project!