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Thank you very much for letting us have these free games, 2 and 3, but where is part 1, is there an Ebola 1?


Unfortunately, part 1 of the source code is not left ((

Ok, thanks, it should be out there on the internet most likely.

(2 edits)

You can get it on steam for 70% off, but offer ends this weekend. Good Luck! ;-)

Wait, am I allowed to post a steam link??? ;-P

Yeah, should be ok. It's not available at

I didn't know it was on Steam on sale now, thanks a lot, it's super cheap, I'd better buy it. I had already searched and downloaded it 🏴‍☠️ 😆. The bad thing about these games is that they are not in spanish, but if I got it for free I'm not complaining 🤔.

No sabía que estaba en Steam en oferta ahora, muchas gracias, está súper barato, mejor lo compraré. Ya lo había buscado y descargado 🏴‍☠️ 😆. Lo malo que tienen estos juegos es que no están en español, pero si me lo dieron gratis no reclamo nada  🤔.