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This game is really recommended because of smooth graphics and great storyline even there's only one developer. This game will be good is there's  also a voices of every characters so i'll wait until it completed.

-Everyday I always check the site and the funny thing here on this site is the comment section because most players is repeatedly asking about the game when this game will be completed and about the bunny girl. Lipstor and mofu will answer same thing over and over again and it looks like u trap in a time loop but it means the game is growing and getting popular. So I hope there will more great game...

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Ok, I will add content now to make it easier for players to understand how to wake the gnu girl up👍


Thank you for liking this game!👍 In the comments section, sometimes the same questions are repeated, I believe it's because that part of the game is difficult to understand. So I need to improve that part soon.