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I've managed to make a save with the same issue - when loading certain modules (haven't tested all of them myself, but from the minimal testing I did it seems like at least image_cache and threaded_imageload are fine and at least slu is broken) you are unable to remove or add people to your battle party. I can link the save either here or discord if you'd like, along with any other info that might be helpful.

cool, please link it on discord mods-conquest channel (or dm me) it would also help if you could post you [AppData\Roaming\Strive for Power 2\logs] folder

I've been having the same issue, pretty sure its related to the slu, charenc and kennel modules, as removing them fixed the issue.

Interestingly, if you merge all the above mods into one single module the issue seems to fix itself. No clue if that helps.