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Hello, first off thank you this is absolutely incredible. My first foray into the world of stable diffusion and I can't believe what I am seeing! Is there any way in the future we will have the ability to train it to get better results? It seems they didn't train it anything explicit to make  hentai art with. Thank you.


You might want to replace your model with waifu diffusion.

1) Download the waifu diffusion model here:
2) Open folder aiimages_standalone\stable-diffusion\models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1
3) Rename your old model file to "model_original"
4) Copy the downloaded waifu diffusion model there and call it "model"
5) Run

There is also something called "embeddings", where you can teach the AI new words (needs 5 images of the word and 1h on a RTX 3090ti). I might add a UI for that later or - if you are really really tech savvy - you can run it via the "stable-diffusion" folder in a command line.

does it still work with the new version of Stable Diffusion?