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Hi there,

this game looks absolutely gorgeous!

I hope you don't mind me asking if there are already some actual plays I could have a look at or listen to. I'd like to have a short glimpse into the game before buying it :) if not, are there any in the making? (I just found an AP video, apparently from a time when this was a DW hack)

Thanks & cheers! :)


Hello and thank you for your feedback! I am working on getting an AP together to help people learn the game and will post an update as soon as it is ready!

As you know, there is the old DW hack AP, and that should give you a general sense for the feel and orientation of the game, but it unfortunately won't teach you any of the current rules because they are completely different! In any case, thank you again for expressing your interest, and I hope you are able to enjoy your time with the game!