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Android APK does not install.  Android has a file size limit of 2GB +/- and at some point no longer parses correctly if the size goes past 2GB.  Suggest more compression on the Android.


What do you mean? the apk installed perfectly on my phone. I believe it's not supported to your current phone though


How much space do you have available? Generally, you'll need at least 2-3 times the file size in free space for an apk to download.

If you have at least 6-7 GB available, then it's probably an issue with the device itself. I occasionally have games that install perfectly fine on some devices, and then refuse to install on others.

6-7 GB free space won't work for me. It was 8 GB free space and still not installed neither. But, I figured it out. It should be 10 GB free space available (at least for my old 3 GB ram device). Although the game itself didn't take up all 10 GB space. It's merely just prerequisite ig

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