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Oh thank you very much ! I tried to use the template but... it is too small for my game. I tried to change the resolution of 1280, 720 to 1920, 1080 but then i have to change eeeeeeeeverything size and it is just too much. So i want to change the position of "loveinterests" and "return" since its outside the frame, but i don't find where i have to change it (i can do it, right ? is it possible ?) i will look again but ugh its so difficult when you're a noobie at it XD thank you for your cheers !

Nevermind, i found it in the gallery navigation.  I'm so relieved... this excitation when you have succeeded to do something you thought you couldn't LMAO

Woo! Glad you figured it out! Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment and relief when you get a code to work and actually understand it LMAOO