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Heya! I've been loving the game since first meeting Cove! And now I'm so glad the Derek DLC has finally come out. Have been playing its Step 2 stuff and LOVING it so far - Super great stories. It's weird how much I relate to Derek a lot, going through the story... So I felt even more connected to him than I've known him outside the DLC (fret not, Cove is still a good boy for me).

Though unfortunate that there seemed to be some problems with some stuff in it; still loving it though, and can't wait to go through Step 4 stuff soon.(Am hopeful that there will be some patch fixes for the problems encountered, since this is still early after full release!)

Last words, I wish you luck on the next DLC development and other games in the future! (Rest assured I shall get it the moment it comes out too, hah!)