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(1 edit) (+2)

I think the rules for Bonus Damage are worded a bit ambiguous. I can't quite tell if you do an additional damage roll or just adjust the regular damage roll.

The idea is probably to adjust the regular damage roll, but in that case you're not so much dealing "bonus" damage as much as you get a higher chance of dealing max damage - except when the base damage is Fray only, in which case you do get to add an entire damage die.

It is also not spelled out how multiple instances of Bonus Damage stack. RAI seems to suggest you roll more dice, but don't get to keep more.

I'm running a game myself and I've changed up some of the words used for some concepts to cut out ambiguity. Instead of Bonus Damage I use "Enhanced Damage" because Bonus Damage just allows you to adjust the regular damage roll. With the word "Bonus Damage" you'd imagine it is the same as Critical Damage, but it isn't. At the moment I'm unsure of if it stacks, I'd have to check but I'd assume so. 

Sounds good. I'm also thinking of porting over the boon terminology to damage, since that's closer to how the "Bonus Damage" is actually resolved.