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i'm confused about how the hunger thing works, can someone help


My understanding is that Hunger represents how many points worth of food you digest whenever you rest. You start with a base amount determined by your Template and then modify it by taking Traits. Since Traits are the main way to gain more stats and abilities at character creation, this means stronger bugs need to eat more. Also, since you always digest a minimum of 10 points there's no benefit to having Hunger below 10. The equipment section shows how filling different meals are.

so you want to have as few hunger as possible? because it looks like the Minus is what i'm supposed to avoid


Are you referring to the Traits that give minus Hunger? They are meant to be trade offs. They lower your Hunger, but give other penalties in return.

Are you referring to the minus Belly status? Yes, avoid that. Letting your Belly points go in to minus is bad.

Basically, you want Hunger to be as close to 10 as possible (because you always lose at least 10 Belly points each day, so having Hunger be 9 is pointless) but if you're willing to have your character eat more, you can let Hunger go over 10. I like to make characters have Hunger 15 because that's how many Belly points you get from a single Meat Ration and I like making my characters a little stronger.