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I’ve been going on a lot of movie rants recently… so anyway Kubo and the Two Strings

A criminally underrated movie. Kubo and the Two Strings has an 84% on Metacritic, a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and the unappetizing number 7.7/10 on IMDB. You’d look at that and think wow this must be such a popular and well known movie seeing how high it’s ratings are. Well you would be both correct and incorrect. Plenty of people know Kubo and the Two Strings, it’s quite a well known movie, but riddle me this, you know the movie exists and of the world record for largest stop motion puppet it holds, but do you know anything about the movie? No, BECAUSE NO ONE WATCHED IT! Maybe it was advertising or something but for some reason people didn’t watch the movie. They just didn’t. And the people who did didn’t like it because they drastically misunderstood the ending, so this movie was both popular and unpopular at the same time. 

Sure, maybe my LAIKA bias is tainting my vision but I think this is one of the best movies ever made. 

The movie starts off with a whole thing I don’t quite remember and I don’t have the movie downloaded but basically you see  this lady use a shamisen (a traditional Japanese instrument) to absolutely obliterate a wave that should have killed her and what we can assume is her son, how did she do it? She strummed the shamisen. Uhm… shooketh basically.

Upon first watch I was like “oh shit how she do that” and also the shamisen glows so even more keonfusion.

I also noticed that, like any other LAIKA movie, the animation was beautiful and entrancing. The movements were swift and the attention to detail was just MMM- yk how LAIKA took time to paint a while bunch of popcorn to be leaves on trees in Coraline? Yea, they collected a whole bunch of leaves from outside just to make a puppet for Kubo and the Two Strings. The amount of effort that goes into their movies is so chefs kiss. Listen I could rant about this movie to the end of time but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to tell everyone to go watch Kubo and the Two Strings because it is criminally underrated and then tell me their thoughts on the ending so if they misunderstood it like most people, I will clear it up for them. Just go watch the movie because it’s actually gorgeous and my love for this movie can only grow.

I suppose it does paint a kinda bad image of blind people but it doesn’t mean to do that- that was an accidental by product of the message they were trying to give.