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I went to my sister’s university’s open house today. I’m gonna be honest it wasn’t that interesting but stuff happened ig. First we had to catch an uber to make it to the bus pick up spot then we got mcdonalds and almost missed the bus but we made it. Me and my sister were listening to music, she gave me one if her airpods so we could listen together, her music taste is quite different from mine but it wasn’t so different that one of us would not enjoy the music, like we both enjoyed it just on different levels. So I slept on the bus ride until MY JAM came on and I jolted awake and started lip syncing cuz we’re in public and I’m not gonna embarrass myself. I don’t actually remember what song came on, that happened like centuries ago rn. Uh so we make it to the place and get a complimentary tote bag and pen and notebook and pamphlet and a food voucher. The voucher only works for university provided food not the food stores nearby sadly. So we did not use the voucher when we got it, instead we went into the art and design administration and checked the display they had of like the type of stuff you would do at the place. It seemed cool and we got a melted chocolate. Then we were dragged to the lecture theatre where people from the UK came (it’s a British school) and said stuff about the university, apparently they’re like management like professors or smthn- and some professors from here also came and talked and some exchange students talked a bit, and these 3 girls came to talk about their experience, one of them had a really cute hairstyle she was so pretty, why am I so obsessed with hair- anyway then we were escorted to the art room where we did some activities similar to what we would do if we were in the university. First we made a something from a metal wire something. My sister made this artistic thing a dude with wings, it’s meant to represent freedom. I made a thing, his name it Little Man. I don’t know why, he just felt like a little man.

His head is meant to be fire. I’m really proud of him. He’s not like amazing like genius artwork but I feel really connected to him. He’s like a part of me but in wire form. Little man is adorable. I really like Little Man.

And then we split a paper into 4 quarters and drew an emotion in each quarter. I drew jealousy in one and anger in another but I didn’t finish while we were there so I’ll take a pic when I’m done. Uh they gave us a black wristband and I realized my outfit looked really similar to Dee’s outfit, or this guy for all the boring people in the crowd/j

All I was missing was some makeup lol.

And then we had to quickly leave before we missed the bus and I listened to music separately this time and then we ate more mc dindals and went home. So nothing interesting but eh, u get it.