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After 80 minutes and 93 levels, i conclude that this game is very good, the pixel art is really good, the animations are also really good, the upgraids are really good. All in all, good games. Now, i think that maby an ending is good, i mean its infinite but like, objectives are nice, an ending to feel acomplished is nice. All you do is level up, be stronger and stronger, until you lawnmow the enemies, and in some cases the boses, like really, at some point the enemies dont get stronger and u feel like one punch man, u just do it for fun, the upgraids are useless after half and hour bc u can literally stand there, swarmed by tons of mobs and dont get damadged. its cool at first bc u see urself like wow thats cool, but after a while its boring. So, changes:

1. Make the enemies harder to kill while you progress (not too weak that u lawnmower then but not too strong that they feel like bosses)

2. Dont fill the whole screen with monsters so you cant see anything

3. Add more weapons and less upgraids (its fun seeing lots of thing protecting u and u not doing anything)

4. More bosses

5. Dont make mobs spawn outside of the border of the game

Thx 4 reading