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I agree


Ok, but what are you fucking though?

uhhhhhhhhhhhh…shit I didn’t think this through 

c r e e p e r s

why did 3 people respond to this in like 5 seconds

jfjoipfdjedijpfkee fgewn gkoeirm [or go=9iern-9ehg- 9wreh 9 g-9iewh ef ngbdsnv -okf ngij-sdnf-oikds -okdsjf oks dns ps s ythserse n tsdfosd kfnsdt ds nsdlkf sdf sdkf dskf sdkf sdfnesodfn sdfssof so ets  hut uht eufkc up you spsussy asas mtorher fucker yhyorusdf sf s asansobodyd ;oves uyou nfifgwrf fj d fs fdsjdsf s mf skill yourselerf BAF BAF BAF ABD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BD EZE ZE ZE EZ EZE ZE ZE 

Nice argument. Unfortunately, Timothy from Doors jumpscared you, making you shit your pants. So therefore, your entire argument is useless.

I don't play doors

Timothy has become real. You have five seconds to run

Timothy is dead

do you love to suck cock?

is this a joke or serious