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I watched Ugly Dolls. My therapist will be hearing about this.

Where do I start.

Lou cause he's my favorite character. YK why? CAUSE HE'S THE ONLY CHARACTER THAT ISN'T ONE DIMENSIONAL! He's actually interesting to see on screen unlike literally anyone else.

You know what, Lou technically wasn't a villain. Not that I condone murder but let me explain.

Lou is the perfect doll, he has no flaws, so instead of leaving the institute of perfection to be in the big world, he stayed and dedicated his life to helping the dolls be perfect. BUT TWIST, Lou didn't choose to stay, Lou CAN'T leave. He's a prototype made to help the dolls that come in to be perfect and make it to the big world, that's why he's so perfect. He didn't just happen perfect. 

In this place, being perfect will get you happiness in the big world with your child, but not with Lou. No matter how great, how amazing, how perfect he is, he will never be perfect enough. Everyone else can leave, but he's stuck there. Everyone leaves, every connection he makes turns into nothing. 

He could project his issues onto the other dolls but he doesn't, he actually helps them make it to the big world. Like sure he does brutally insult them and he does resort to murder twice but just think about it. He's only ever tried to physically hurt another doll twice over what we can assume is a long time.

He's not a villain, he doesn't deserve what they gave him in the end, I mean he does deserve some kind of like punishment obviously but what they did was drastic. And they didn't even let him leave the institute of perfection which was all he wanted, he just wanted the ability to be able to get eternal happiness like all the other dolls, but he can't. This isn't a story of acceptance this is a story of a group of annoying one dimensional plushies being psychos.

Also, the whole thing with the glasses miss ma'am was just a pain to sit through. She's so one dimensional, her only personality trait is her glasses.

The main character is so annoying, she should've fucking died in that incinerator, they should've just let her die.

Uh Pitbull is in this movie... I don't know what to say about that, he's just... he's in the movie as this one eyed cat that wears glasses with two lenses for some reason even though he has one eyes so he literally cannot see through those.

There's one line in this movie that particularly bothers me, the pink demon is looking in the mirror and talking about all her "flaws" and she says "Oh my god, look how much you weigh!" but like excited like... thanks for telling us your definition of ugly, group of people that made this movie. That line is so harmful and disgusting it makes me physically sick. 

The point of this movie is that your flaws make you who you are, but yk what the message SHOULD have been? The message should have been that there is no such thing as flaws. Mistakes aren't mistakes just happy little accidents. What you think are flaws someone else will find the most beautiful thing in the world. Everyone is perfect in their own way, physical imperfection is not important unless it's a life threatening medical issue then I'm sorry you have to go through that. THAT'S what the message should have been because the way this movie was written is going to make someone feel bad when they see their physical features on a doll labeled as ugly.

There is so much wrong with this movie not to mention the annoying songs LIKE OMG JUST SHUT UP NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR STUPID FUCKING MUSIC unless it's Lou, because Lou sings the only good song in this whole movie. EVERYONE ELSE IS SO ANNOYING I WANT TO GRAB SOME SCISSORS AND CUT THEIR TONGUES OFF SO THEY CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Well that was certainly long..

yes and it could be longer. This movie was harmful, horrible and all around just bad, it was really bad.

I watched it as a kid I’m pretty sure. However, I don’t remember much from it..

(1 edit) (+1)

ugly dolls was released in 2019

I pirated it in 2019 and it sucked and I re-watched it with my sister because I wanted her to suffer as well

Yeah nightcrawler goes on rants about things like this 

You'll get used to it