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Here i the big i found in  the game developer unable to pick up object such as sword, wooden plank, lack of instruction about what you need to do in order to control mechanic of the game!! I hope you add feature of mechanic of controlling your character and well as giving direction what I need to do!! What controller you need to use mouse and keyboard or controller such as ps4 or xbox!! I hope feed back help to improve your game my dude

Hello SamEyeNinja! Thanks for your feedback! We really appreciate every feedback possible, as this is our first project as students.

About picking up objects like the sword or the wooden planks, we didn't really thought about it as a mechanic, but it could really be a nice implement for the next version we do, something nice could emerge from it!

In the file we added a PDF explaining the controls, but it's true that it would be more intuitive to have it in game. We annotate it as a must task! And we annotate too to add more directions of what to do in game!

Thank you very much, as I said we really appreciate it and we hope you enjoyed our little project, we made it with much love!


No problem anytime developer love to help