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And once again I'm visiting that page when something interesting happens. Lip is Mofu's gf now? And works for 15 hours per day?


Lip is a awesome friend for me😁👍

She's just kidding,don't take it seriously😂


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Nobility court talks, no less.

P.S. I just went through more comments and cringed a bit about the NATO-Russia talk here. Is it really okay to talk about political and social things here? I know there wasn't  any provocation or call for violence in the comments, but is it really okay?..

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I am not talking about you personally, but rather about other people here. But okay, I see you are quite lenient and it's definitely a good thing

P.S. Mofu's game help relax a bit and escape the doom of what goes around me irl as well, I can relate to other fellow countrymen. 

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Thank you, I'll take a look. And please try to have decent rest you too. We can't imagine this page without your stature 

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