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In my version Deviant Anomalies (v0.8.5 part 1 ) has a big bug with Catherine, when she went to MC house, after I helped Sophia with her studies. Scenes are repeating but not finish. I must her again and again f...


i had the same problems too

How u solved that problem?

You need to max out her desperation, sensitivity and ruin bars. Desperation and sensitivity cancel each other out. Embrace your inner sadist, edge her and make her beg like she needs it more than the air she breathes then have her cum until she can't take any more.. After that make her cum again using the new option and that will break her.

I thought it was a bug or something at first.. 8.5 is the first release I've played and I didn't realise it's a half finished beta release. I don't even want to think about the time I wasted buying milk and vitamins for the endless black hole we call pregnant (but not pregnant) Mia.