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Got 1.1.1 android and the kangaroo is nowhere to be found. Updated first, loaded, reloaded, Uninstaller and reinstalled, and nothing, just all progress lost. There a quest you gotta do to trigger them or something?

Allie can be found in the Hotel registry. From the front desk, take the door on the right then click on the arrow in front of the elevator. You'll be taken to a purple room with a desk. Click the arrow on the desk and you will be able to play Allie's part and scenes for any other guest character in the game.

(1 edit)

Ah... ok... new problem then. I don't seem to have an elevator??? I've clicked every arrow thrice over and never seen it. Where you described is a store that has a stuffed toy, 2 snow globes, a dildo, a blanket(?) Some pills, and your patreon menu

Ah wrong room then. The room right before you see Kavara and Crystal has an elevator.

Got to the room with the rabbit and the book. The book has a scene selection from characters in the place, and only now has Allie after the Uninstal and reinstall, but the character themselves isn't there, just the scene in the book

That's correct. It sounds like you found and played through Allie's scene