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The game is extremely difficult and it's extremely hard to get part the first level after the tutorial, not just the level, but even just the first drop. The gaps you need to maneuver through are very small, and your weapon only launches you up, and not to the side based on which way you point it, which leaves very little room for error in trying to move to where the gap is before you hit it. and since it's off screen, it takes trial and error to figure out where they are and remember the order since you fall much faster than you go up, leaving little time to see the spikes before you die.  I can't really say more about later in the game as the difficulty is bad enough I cannot see past the first enemy.

Thanks for the feedback I will help me better understand game jam as It was my first one, again thanks :)


Don't worry. It was my first one too. Well, technically my second, but I only did the art before, so I wasn't really on the gameplay side of things until this one, so I'm counting it as my first.