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(3 edits)

hello dark forest, i love your game but there are pretty BIG issues, i play on MAC and i love this game, but i can't play it cause it crash without text or something, it just freeze, now i'll list all the occasions i found, hope i can play again soon;

1) when you try to save, it FREEZE and CRASH, so i tried to do a day and maybe save with the sleep, but the game also CRASHES whan you sleep (this is the cause i can't play, because i can't go over the first day)

2)when you open and close the option the game CRASH without exception

on note i play on MACBOOK AIR - high sierra 10.13.6 

i really hope it will be fixed soon, because i loved v11 and want to restart, a big fan from italy.

this refer to V.14

Unfortunately, we don't have a Mac computer to test the game, but I can make a test build specifically for you. If it works fine, then we will update for everyone. Write how you can be contacted.

(1 edit)

i found a solution and i don't know how, but i usually play game and i let the icon on the desktop, they usually work fine, there was a game some times ago that i wanted to play, and just doesn't worked, and online i read that putting the game in the app folder fixed it, and strange enough it worked.

So with your game also when i changed the folder and moved your game from the desktop to the app section, it fix the problems, so if  someone will happen the same thing like me, just tell them to put in app section and not in desktop, strange enough, now it works fine, ty love you all.