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(4 edits)

Just letting you know that one of your mod files undoes a fix from the most recent version of the vanilla game: "Fixed positive trait chance inheritance being too low"

In mod \ConquestTweaks \ tw_slu \

"for tr in mother.get_traits_by_tag('positive') + father.get_traits_by_tag('positive'):
        if randf() >= 0.8 or mother.has_profession("breeder") or father.has_profession("breeder"):

The ">" should be "<"

Figured you might want to know so others don't have to do what I did and spend two hours going through the files (and changing things like "var pregduration") and testing clean installs to figure out why none of their kids are inheriting more than one positive trait (and often none) and which mod is doing it and where the issue is. Unless this is intentional, in which case ignore me.

thanks for letting me know fixed in 3.3.3