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(1 edit)

Neat in concept, could be better executed. It seemed like everywhere I turned there was a new, strange bug waiting to be found. The textures weren't upscaled gracefully, and the lack of sounds only made it more bizarre. Also, is this supposed to be half a GB large??? But hey, credit where it's due, you made a thing! That's something to be proud of.

I definitely just either don't know how to package the game from UE5 or how to post it to itch properly. I tried posting just the executable, which was smaller, but when my friends wanted to play it, it wouldn't run. So I posted the whole Zip file that was packaged from UE5 and it ran, but it is pretty massive.  I tried googling stuff but didn't really find anything that helped me. I know I'm probably just foolish, but if you think you know what happened I could definitely use some help.