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Hunting for ingredients hidden check

A topic by Sillybilly created Sep 10, 2022 Views: 448 Replies: 5
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(1 edit)

It's not listed in the guide, but you can actually succeed in the hunting for ingredients quest on the snowy mountain.

There's a stat check though, idk how much agility you need but mine is ten.

Instead of getting 2000 exp like on the guide, the reward is 1 level up point. I hope this piece of info i find is helpful!

There's another check, during the Rasmus book scene. No extra rewards whatsoever but it's pretty amusing

(2 edits)
No extra rewards whatsoever....

Unless there is an hidden point system  to gain Rasmus Respect/Suspicion that may influence future events.....

  • - Int Check about the book
  • - Walk to the Dungeon -> talking about Rasmus father kills the conversation and earn negativ points
  • - Eyvind behaviour in the Dungeon and the final anwser to Rasmus Question...
  • - more??

That's a good point, there's a high possibility that this is the same system as the trust system with Nauxus and Axel during the war.

What with the last option in the dungeon says that Rasmus will remeber it, probably meant that it'll be important in the future

there's also one for J酶rgen when he throws a pipe at you when you protest which gives you his trust

ah yes that's right, bases on my experience you need at least 10 AGi, so be sure to unequip the winter clothes before the check if you don't have enough AGI