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i love this game so much, i wonder if there will ever be/if its possible for there to be an option or route where you can play your character mute the entire time? idk I think it would be so cool and there's already tons of nonverbal options I think being able to replacing saying stuff with just gestures or looks would be such cool representation (as someone whose a nonverbal neurodivergent :) )


Oh that would be an awesome addition, I suppose we'll have to see with later updates, however I can totally see either Qui or Tamarack jumping in to speak up for the character if they got in a really uncomfortable position.


It would quite fit with the patronizing attitude toward MC present in the game. I have also in one of my demo playthroughs tried playing super shy boy who got a hard time talking to strangers, so I like your idea.


That sounds really cool! I usually had my character pick the nonverbal choices so it'd be interesting to see it available throughout the story.