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A socialist utopia would not charge for this, nor would it make others pay for my free copy.

A socialist utopia, like Star Trek, would have replicators that would provide for everyone's basic needs, so that art like this would not be inaccessible behind a paywall, because you require compensation for your efforts.

So I have to come here everyday, fingers crossed, looking for a community copy.

I'm disabled, so I have to e-beg. At least there's the promise a copy might show up here.

Another guy said 5 copies for a review, 5 copies for a post on social media. I did both, and there are still no community copies added.


Sorry, the community copies that were have ended and I didn't place new ones.
But, also,  I'm not a socialist utopia, I'm a poor and indebted artist. 
You can have your copy but you could have asked it in private or more nicely. 


I'm sorry. You are absolutely right!