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I'm enjoying the product. Trying to report whatever I can to make it better. :) 

Speaking of that though, I found a new bug where my dirty meter cannot be reduced by the bathrooms anymore. It's stuck at 100%, and occasionally only dips slightly down during other activities. 

The game has lagged ever since too. 

What started it was my character falling asleep during cleaning in bathroom, but my game is saved and the bug is stuck with me right now

If your current save is bugged please create a bug report and send it to me.

To create a bug report : Tap F11 in-game at the bug point > copy the generated bug report (from the game’s folder) and email it to me (+ include a small description of the bug and steps to reproduce it) [ ]

It eventually fixed after a bunch of days had passed and multiple restarts. 

I can try to reproduce it if I remember to later after work and submit a report.