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Did you check the notebook in which the plot tasks are indicated, it is written there after you agree to delete the video and you become friends with her, that you have to be at the school at 6:00 pm to continue the branch

I do, but The quest has not changed, there are 2 options Record or Talk, and when i just do with erudition (Talk) without record and go date with her the quest does not change like "Put Video Camera in the Back room and/or Talk to girl", It's even the same quest as before I talked to her in the pool. And This happened too  when i have her video at backroom and choose " i have the video" or "Erudition"  (Both options have the same ending because I already have a meiko record) and also go to date with her, the quest has not changed like "With the help of blackmail to make girl do what you just want". 

Is this a bug? Or am I wrong in choosing the route??. I don't care even if I have to repeat from the beginning for a good story