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     Since I'm a big fanatic for darker stories and ideas, this is easily my favorite visual novel of all time, especially after reading build 6.0. I love the characters and their mostly unknown background at the time of writing this, how climactic the periods of action are with the fitting sound supporting them, and I especially love the reference to mental health issues and the self-harm and suicidal ideation Cody suffers from, giving the story's dark theme and Cody himself more character. The story's great composition always has me on the edge of my metaphorical seat in anticipation for more action and story-building. Also, god, I love the illustrations for the story and how it helps express the different characters' personalities with their physical appearances from their character stills combined with their assumed inner traits through Cody's observations and thoughts. Lastly, although this visual novel obviously does not appeal to too many people due to its dark themes and vivid depictions of mental illness, I still cannot express enough how much I enjoy reading this visual novel myself and how truly underrated it is at the time of writing this. Thank you so much, @PackBePackin (Twitter Account), for taking on this amazing project, and I wish you the best for now and in the future. <3 


Thank you so much for reading! ^^ Really glad you enjoy it