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sorry to keep pestering but i have no idea how to finnish her sister (if she isnt already done) only thing i get when i go to the clearing is an option to leave, includina ss incase it helps 

(2 edits)

Fuck, at this point you should be needing some gel (indicated by the greyed out shape in top bar) but I don't see it. It might have happened that you had another quest at the same time that required some gel, and when you finished it, it reset the need for gel. If you have the game locally you can just do needs_gel = True in the console, and then fetch some gel in the forest, or directly has_gel = True. Otherwise there's not really a solution, I need to fix this issue.
Edit: I found a quick fix, I'm uploading version 5.0.2 right now which should work with your save.


thanks so much man, glad i could help you out with the game aswell