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This is extremely dumb and I love it. Thank you for making it. 

This is the sort of straight-forward concept that sings in a jam but would find difficulty finding space anywhere else. Except maybe mid-2000 flash games. Well executed, art and sound that doesn't take itself too seriously, and some clever level design all make for a very nice little jam game. Well done!

I did find it a bit too difficult and I couldn't tell for sure what triggered the ending, but I still had fun giving it a few goes. 

Congrats on finishing your game. Keep making games!

Last jam I did a very complicated game, for this one I really wanted to be straight forward and to fit the theme properly, I’m glad you could find it that way! So to win you had to "remove" all the gas from your stomach, meaning you won’t fart uncontrollably anymore, maybe I should have explained it better, thanks for playing ^^