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can we just talk abt how much i hate k-pop stans


they r so fucking annoying

and they say slurs after slurs

btw this just happened to me

like a minute ago

and these bitches were all like: "you should kys"

and ofc i said: "same goes to u" cuz im not gonna just stand there and not say shit


thats fucked up

and one of them said: "well last time i tried it failed lol"

and i said: "well u should have tied that rope a bit more tighter"

i get that some of yall rn are gonna say ima bitch but

these mf were calling me the f slur, disrespecting my race (mexican) and shit. so im not gonna take that type of disrespect. 


slayed tbh



(2 edits) (+1)



Like -my school has millions of k-pop stans

Sometimes they ask me "Do YoU LiKe K-pOp??" 

Nd I say "no-im more of a Hatsune miku/j-pop fan"

And they respond with "EW WHO IS THAT GROSS PERSON!?"

Nd I'm like"shut the f up j-pop is great."

Deleted post

you did

That's why am replying