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Give my compliments to the chef... ehrm, I mean artwork designer. And while you're at it, you might as well pass one to the person that made the music too, because I'm sitting here at 3 am playing the game and it's a vibe.

I'm only one player and I didn't use the gamepad at all, so I can't speak on that aspect of the game. It worked fine just playing it as a regular tower defence game, though. It did mean that the connection to the theme got a bit slimmer, but that's more on me for not having a roommate, I suppose. .-.

There was a nice variety of towers that you could place, and I found most of them to be pretty useful. I couldn't figure out what the bloodheal did, though. I assumed it was supposed to heal the main tower, but it never did. The railgun saved my a$$ on multiple occasions.

Beautiful work! :)