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(1 edit)

Issue inventory pick up, Load 320/650 30 potions - 100 arrows - tryed pick up bones, orc teeth sayed unable pick up this do to space. use some item's bought from shop alow me pick up items not sure issue is here, Max amount can buy from shop - issue.

Hey Kaz,

This is normal. You have 2 different types of bag limits: weight limit (max weight shown on F5 dialog and is based on level/strength) and the 2nd is a 50 item limit. Looks like you found the weight limit, so you were hitting the 50 item limit.

Ok, Add item limited info some where or is it listed some where don't see it. Stat page see load limit.

I don't think it's listed anywhere right now, we'll probably get it added to the bag dialog in a future update