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This update contains a lot of small fixes, improvements and gameplay tweaks. 

-> The AI works better and is more aggressive. 

-> I overhauled the look of the player tank quite a bit. 


After :D

-> I reworked the aiming of the tank and I am pleased with how it works now. The driving mechanics also got an overhaul, which makes the player tank easier and more fun to drive. 

-> I added sensitivity options for the aiming with mouse and controller. 


The new spawn system is also pretty much finished and works way better than the old one. The enemies are spawned in waves and after the player destroyed all tanks of one wave the next one is spawned. Every 5 waves the enemy tank health, damage, accuracy and fire rate is slightly increased. The overall amount of spawned enemies increases too. 

I originally planned to release the game after this update but I am not going to release it quite yet. There were some delays and other stuff to do so I am a little bit behind. So I am planning for the next update to implement the sounds for the game and hopefully be ready to release the game.

Thank you for reading ;)