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(1 edit)

issue #1: the X on the gamepad menu is possessed.

Issue #2: when rebinding a control, the mouse cursor becomes unusable (clicking does nothing, even on the "revert" button) while it waits for a control that "matches". This is exacerbated by issue #3 and the fact I did not have a gamepad, since I had to back out of the entire menu.

issue #3:I did not realize that there were separate menus for gamepad and keyboard controls because the keyboard menu icon is really... honestly it's bad even by MVP standards. I think the keyboard menu icon should look like the "WASD" key group, personally.

issue #4: I don't think I should be able to affect any change in the display of the "positive blue" since it's an invalid combination, yet it became a circle. Which color is actually selected?

issue #5: strange behavior observed: I use some accessibility tools that include a virtual keyboard and a voice command program called Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Although the game's keyboard config is set to WASD (well, A & D anyway), Dragon was able to move me left and right when I said "press left" or "press right"... but only Dragon is able to do this, I was not able to trigger these ghost Keybinds with the virtual keyboard! Very strange! (If it helps I can try to record this sometime)

And that's just the options menu, haven't even gotten into the game yet!