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Ok, i know you worked realy hard on this game, and it is not like very bad, but i would like to give some critique opinion on it.

but first things i considered were good about this game:

-Models, altrough basic, they keep up with the same theme whith i realy like

-There is some gameplay customization which is always welcome and helps with replayability 

-The music is actualy good, and realy appealing

- The theme realization was original, and creative imo

and things i did not realy liked about this game:

-the rotation speed is realy slow, so it was kinda hard to hit monsters sometimes

-the arena was kinda too basic for me (or maybye it was like first level or smth, but i did not noticed any other), what i mean it was lacking some things that players could use tacticaly; adding some pilars, hill with bridge or something like that could make a lot of diffrience (especialy that it is a 3d game)

-there was no inddication of youre attacks path or no indication when you have hit or not. you could simply make enemie change color whenever it's hit, or play a little animation. 

-Smaller thing, but kinda painfull to me was some elements of ui, in my opinion they don't quite match the style of the game

and i guess that's all i had to say, and remember this is only my personal opinion, and i'm only rating a game itself without any further context, so if some person from the team could not work on a project for some reason, i completly understand lack of some features. in summary, the game was not that bad, but it would need some extra fixes. Anyways, have a good day :)