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Yay, another Two Felt game! I look forward to your game concepts. I got stuck really quickly on this game, after disabling the first speaker. Tried attaching to the rock above the hole, but wasn't able to swing over the hole. Tried stacking rock/box/can under the platform to the left of the speaker, but wasn't able to jump onto that platform.


Hi!!! Thank you so much! And thanks for trying this game out. 

Oh no! You should be able to "Grapple" onto that rock and jump off onto the other platform... Sorry that's not working for you! :( You can't walk on the upper platforms until you get to the end of the lower set and springboard yourself up there (after that hole/rock swing part, unfortunately). I added some GIFs to the page to show the gameplay.  Well, if you ever feel up to trying again another time, maybe you'll be able to swing and jump that hole with just another try or two. :) 

PS - I just showed my daughter your game and she LOVED it! And it was educational... bonus!!! LOL She loved the story of Earong/Orange as much as I did last year <3

Whew! Thanks for the gameplay animations. They solved it. I was able to get past the hole by running, grappling, and then jumping late into the swing. Before, I think I either was not running fast enough, or tried jumping twice (jumping into the grapple and then failing to jump out of it), or trying to   swing or shorten  the rope (ala Worms) to gain momentum. 

Very happy to hear my game was well received by your daughter! Thanks for sharing that.


Oh good! I'm glad you made it through 😁 If we had had more time (mantra of every game jammer lol) we would have put in more functionality like swinging or shortening the rope.

My son played your game now too 😎 He also really liked it 👍