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i enjoyed this game alot! I found it to be simple yet engaging. I thought id give my opinions on it, so here are my positive and negative thoughts.


- The boss fight was very fun! i liked the mechanics of it and i felt accomplished when i figured something out, like how standing on the rocks makes it so you aren't electrocuted. It was challenging but not frustratingly so, i nearly died about 3 times but i was able to beat it first try. (which is fine in a game like this, since if i had died i would've lost all my progress.)

-On that note, i see alot of people complaining about it in the comments but i quite like the 1 death hardcore thing. In a game like this where progression is so fast there is really no reason to respawn. Adds to the challenge. 

-Im not sure if this one is a postive or negative, because im not entirley sure on how i feel about it, but you cannot place any sort of block in this game. It did create a more unique expierence where you have to get creative, and i liked that. I ended up digging myself a little house into the rock, removing the sand around any openings so the zombies couldnt get in, and using workstations as walls. i quite liked my little home.


-My music didnt work! Im not sure if it was my end or the games (my sound did work in other games though) and i am playing the web version. The entire thing was silent so it really detracted from the expierence.

-I felt like i progressed far too fast in the mining. i went from stone to iron to gem in about 5 minutes, i didnt even need gold. I recommend adding 3 different levels to the mines that get harder, with the boss fight on the final floor. it doesnt have to be anything too crazy, but i think a floor dedicated to each ore with a unique type of enemy would be fun. and it would make it so you would have to use the tools until you are strong enough to progress.

-armor would be nice too, to add to that difficulty and give you something to work towards.


-in order to make a farm, you have to use a scythe on the green grass to get seeds, and then use a wooden shovel to prepare the sand. Then you just press Z to plant the seeds. Use the scythe again to harvest them

-To get the tailsman make a map and go to the dots scattered around in the overworld. when you did in those spots you get a chest with a tailsman piece inside. get 4 to complete the tailsman. if you cannot dig try removing any grass with the scythe.

-the tailsman stuns the Eel!

anyway, this was a cool game! keep up the good work.